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0333 240 1101


When do you want to retire and how much income will you need?

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How much cash would your family need to maintain their current lifestyle if you die prematurely?

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Are you making the best use of any spare capital or surplus income?

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We've provided a selection of useful calculators below. Please note that whilst the calculators are accurate, they perform generic calculations that do not take into account your individual circumstances. They should be used as a guide only and not relied upon.

Please also note we do not store or see any of the information you input to these calculators.

Growth Interest Rate (%)

Investment Duration (Years)

Regularly Monthly Investment (£)

Initial Lump Sum Investment (£)

Target Fund Value (if required) (£)

Your Results

The value of investments and the income they produce can fall as well as rise. You may get back less than you invested.

Note: Annual Management charges, and New Investment charges are ignored.

This is a generic calculation that does not take into account the individuals circumstances, it should not therefore be relied on.

UK News

Inflation falls for the first time in three months, sparking expectations rates may be cut to 4.5% in February.
The marginal dip in UK inflation is unusually important and offers some respite to the chancellor.
Paid leave should be extended to parents who lose a pregnancy before 24 weeks, a report by MPs says.
The company will shed roughly 3,600 roles but plans to backfill the roles later in the year.
The complaint filed to a US federal court alleges Musk saved $150m at the expense of Twitter shareholders.